Does Feature Estimation Actually Work?Feature estimation, while a common practice in agile development, but often falls short of its intended purpose.Jun 23, 2024Jun 23, 2024
10 Things I told my sister about choosing a careerNot so long ago, I had a chat with my younger sister at my dad’s birthday party about going to university and choosing a careerJun 16, 2024Jun 16, 2024
For PMs: Write Feature Requirements Your Team Can Work WithClear and detailed feature requirements are the cornerstone for fast and complete implementation. Whether you’re building a new app, adding…Apr 23, 2024Apr 23, 2024
A template for better bug ticketsUsing a template for writing bug tickets will ensure that you and your colleagues will include the important details. Those details will…Apr 17, 2023Apr 17, 2023
How to write better user stories? — A templateOne of the most pressing questions of PO/ PMsAug 18, 202213Aug 18, 202213
Resolve your dependencies with ResolverHow to use the simple Resolver framework or your app’s dependenciesSep 5, 2021Sep 5, 2021
Partial application of “mutating” method is not allowedI came across this error recentlty and figured I am not the only one who was wondering about this.Mar 1, 2021Mar 1, 2021